Shri. Chandra Kumar Ojha
Principal | SR Global School Lucknow
Education does not mean a mere collection of knowledge through books or curriculum, rather it ensures the application of knowledge in daily life, incorporate interaction with the world around , develops innate capabilities, values and conservation of the elements of our habitable planet. In ancient time all these attributes which are required to develop the perfect human being were taken care by our ‘Gurukul ‘ but due passage of time and advent of modern civilization this responsibility is gradually shifted and now lies on the schools.
At S R Global School we believe that education cultures us by inculcating knowledge
establishing values and protecting our environment through philosophical thoughts
and make the children to have clear understanding and better social strings.
These could be possible with clear cognitive development. However the importance
of knowledge, skills, training and physical development are also equally vital for
generating a balanced personality to face global challenges.
We recognize the need of time from the education and provide all essential
infrastructures to inculcate this expected outcome from our school system through
learned faculty and soothing environment. The journey of the education is never
ending and it has only shining land marks without any stay. We hope that this could
only be achieve by making consistent effort, striving hard towards goal , and
consistently guiding children even after some failure with reminding a remark
that every fall has a rise keeping sparkling thought in the mind
that the limit of perfection is always at the greater height.